About visitlab

visitlab is the research laboratory at the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University. We perform fundamental and applied research in visualization, visual analysis, and computer graphics and their relation to virtual environments and graphics design.

Currently, our research interests and projects are covering the fields of molecular visualization, security vis, geographical vis, VR vis, MRI data vis, educational vis, and modeling and vis of DNA origami. Furthermore, we are open to collaborate on projects in other application areas as well.

Our lab tightly collaborates with the visualization groups at TU Wien, University of Bergen, Ulm University, University of Tübingen, and  Universidad Nacional del Sur.

We provide education in visualization and computer graphics on undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. levels.

For more information, please contact Bára Kozlíková, the head of the laboratory, or visit us in room A419 and A421.
